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Poland sends Ukrainians back

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(06.10.2023) Poland is sending men back to Ukraine who fled the country at the start of the war and could be conscripted into the armed forces due to their age. The authorities in Warsaw have begun extraditing Ukrainian citizens liable for military service who fled the country illegally after the start of the Russian invasion on 24 February 2022.

The authorities estimate that around 80,000 people from Ukraine are not registered. "This is a significant number for Ukraine, because these people could be mobilised and reinforce the troops on the front line," said Fyodor Venislavski, spokesman for the Ukrainian president in the Verkhovna Rada.

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Ungarn will militärdienstpflichtige Ukrainer nicht ausliefern

Artikel aus Analisi Difesa

(05.10.2023) Im Parlament sagte Orban, dass militärdienstpflichtige Ukrainer, die nach Ungarn gekommen sind, nicht ausgeliefert werden, wie es Kiew von allen europäischen  Aufnahmeländern für Flüchtlinge fordert. "Zehntausende Flüchtlinge aus der Ukraine haben in Ungarn Sicherheit und eine Heimat gefunden. Die Ungarn und Ukrainer aus Transkarpatien sind gleichermaßen willkommen", so der Ministerpräsident. "Die Kriegsflüchtlinge haben in Ungarn Sicherheit gefunden: Frauen, Kinder und Männer. Ungarn wird der Bitte der ukrainischen Regierung nicht nachkommen. Wir werden niemanden unter Zwang in die Ukraine zurückschicken."

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Hungary does not want to extradite Ukrainians liable for military service

Article by Analisi Difesa

(05.10.2023) In parliament, Orban said that Ukrainians who have come to Hungary and are subject to military service will not be extradited, as Kiev is demanding of all European refugee-hosting countries. "Tens of thousands of refugees from Ukraine have found safety and a home in Hungary. Hungarians and Ukrainians from Transcarpathia are equally welcome," said the Prime Minister. "The war refugees have found safety in Hungary: Women, children and men. Hungary will not comply with the Ukrainian government’s request. We will not send anyone back to Ukraine by force."

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Ukraine: Stop the proceedings against Yurii Sheliazhenko

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(18.09.2023) Yurii Sheliazhenko, conscientious objector, pacifist, human rights defender and the Executive Secretary of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement, has been placed under partial house arrest in Kyiv on 15th August, being accused of ‘justifying the Russian aggression’.